Organization & Operation
• Our school accepts children from six months up to 5.5 years
• The children are formed in groups according to their age and follow the proper educational program.
• Our school is open all year round from 7.00 am. to 4.00 pm. Within this framework, parents can choose the hours that serve them with a minimum stay of 9.30 am. up to 1.00 p.m. have also programs especially made for the working mothers.
• We provide breakfast, brunch and lunch to the children. The meals are especially cooked and adapted to their nutritional needs by a dietitian – nutritionist.
• Our tutors are nurses and kindergarten teachers with a college degree, university graduates and technical institute graduates. They are scientifically well trained perfectly, with a long experience and they are always guided by their love for the children.
• We schedule visits to a pediatrician and a social worker on a regular basis in our school.
• The communication between parents and tutors is very important and valuable to us. This can be achieved, on the one hand, by the daily written information we send for each child through information notes, and on the other hand, by inviting parents to individual meetings between teachers-parents for the latter to be informed about their children’s development and progress.
• The transportation of the children is done by our school buses, which are constantly under technical inspection, have the appropriate equipment, and fulfill the proper specifications
• We provide liability insurance for children throughout the year.
• We provide liability insurance for children throughout the year.
• We have contracts with banks and are licensed with organizations.
Children are enrolled throughout the year if there are vacancies.
Organization & Departments
♥ In the Nursery (6–16 months) and (17 months – 2.5 years) the babysitters give the required attention to your baby always in cooperation with you, while they follow his individual meal and sleeping schedule and supervise his development and progress.
♥ Toddlers are occupied with fairytales, songs and educational games and toys.
Pre- Kindergarten
♥ Our pre-kindergarten sections (2,5–3,5 years old and 3,5–4,5 years old) follow the appropriate educational program, which will be their first contact with preschool education.
Art activities:
• Painting, pottery and construction
• Educational games and toys
• Theatre, mime and puppetry
• Εnvironmental Εducation
• Road Safety Education
• Μusic and Action
♥ Our kindergarten (4,5–5,5 years old) follows the appropriate program of pre-school education and the children are fully prepared for the primary school.

• Reading, Writing, Maths
• Children's literature - Narration of literature
• Physical Education
• English: First contact with a foreign language through games
• Computer learning
• Music
• Cultural events - Theaters - Participation in Flower Shops
• Museum Education - First contact with the Greek Culture
• Visits to Museums and Exhibitions
• Introduction to the Νatural Εnvironment - Man - Animals - Plants - Natural phenomena
• Participation in ecological activities such as gardening, tree planting and recycling
♥ Our educational program is completed with other various activities that enrich the children’s knowledge and make them socialize, too:
• They attend theatrical performances but also perform in plays at Christmas and at the end of the year.
• They visit museums, galleries, for their initiation into visual art, they are initiated in services, they visit factories and hotels where the experts show, explain and answer their questions.
• They get to know the people’s professions; they learn about various technological inventions and discoveries.
• They organize small events during the National and Religious holidays
• They revive habits and customs in order to discover and learn about the Greek tradition.
• They participate in charity events so as to help our fellow citizens.